Benefits of group therapy

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Beneficios de la terapia de grupo

The benefits of group therapy are very significant, providing a space where participants can interact and share their experiences. Through group dynamics, the aim is to facilitate understanding and resolution of individual challenges.

Therapy is presented as a valuable resource for addressing emotional challenges and improving mental wellbeing. As in individual therapy, this approach aims to help people overcome their conflicts, improve their emotional well-being, foster personal development, strengthen social skills and equip them with effective tools to cope with their challenges.

The essential aspect is that the group becomes a catalyst for the desired change. Group therapy proves to be effective because participants experience overcoming the feeling of loneliness in the face of their problems, thus breaking with previous isolation. In addition, the opportunity to express emotions and thoughts without fear of criticism contributes to substantial group cohesion, leading to more deeply rooted psychological changes over time.


Social Support and a Sense of Belonging

Group therapy provides participants with a safe and supportive environment where they can share their experiences, challenges and achievements with people who understand and empathise with them. Research shows that social connection and a sense of belonging in a group are powerful therapeutic factors, promoting emotional well-being and reducing isolation.

Group therapy participants tend to experience a greater sense of belonging and satisfaction with social support compared to those in individual therapy. Group therapy provides an environment of social support and solidarity, helping participants feel understood and validated in their emotional experiences.


Social Learning 

In a group setting, participants have the opportunity to hear the experiences and perspectives of others facing similar challenges, thereby broadening personal understanding, fostering empathy and promoting social learning. By listening to other members’ experiences and perspectives, a greater diversity of coping strategies and enrichment of emotional skills is generated.

Group therapy promotes social learning and the acquisition of coping skills by individuals as they see their own problems reflected in others.


Beneficios de la terapia de grupo
Beneficios de la terapia de grupo

Peer feedback and support

In tarapia groups, participants can give and receive constructive feedback to each other, generating different perspectives, insights and practical advice. Mutual peer support strengthens individual resilience and fosters personal growth.

Feedback and peer support in group therapy are significant therapeutic elements that enhance emotional well-being and promote personal growth. Peer support in group therapy fosters the building of trusting relationships and the development of social skills and resilience.


Normalising and Validating Experiences

Group therapy helps participants understand that they are not alone in their challenges and emotions, normalising feelings and thoughts and reducing stigma and self-stigmatisation.

Group therapy participants often experience a greater sense of normalisation and validation of their emotional experiences compared to those in individual therapy. Group therapy helps to reduce stigma and self-stigmatisation by providing a space where emotional experiences are shared and understood.


Transfer and Generalisation of Skills

In a group setting, participants can observe and practice communication, problem-solving and coping skills in a safe social context, thus benefiting in everyday life and in interactions outside the therapeutic group.

Group therapy allows a transfer and generalisation of skills acquired in the therapeutic context to everyday life and interpersonal relationships outside the group. The individual gains a development of communication skills.


Benefits of group therapy

In summary, the benefits of group therapy are: building trust, assisting in the creation of new learning, giving perspective to one’s own problems, promoting the development of social skills and internalising personal change.

Group psychology is often complemented by individual therapy, providing a safe environment of support, multiple perspectives, peer feedback and normalisation of experiences.

From Pandemic Times, Clinica Gran Alacant would like to highlight the importance of considering group therapy as a truly valuable therapeutic option for those seeking to improve their emotional wellbeing and promote personal growth.

Hi, Clinica Gran Alacant!