Tips for healthy pregnancy in first trimester

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Consejos para un embarazo saludable en el primer trimestre.

Good news, you are pregnant!  OK, now that you’ve calmed down some from the initial excitement, it’s time to focus on the first trimerter changes and tips:

1. Let’s deal with the fatigue first. Your body is building a home that can nourish and protect that baby for the next nine months—that is, the placenta. It takes a lot of energy—your energy.

2. Morning sickness: having an upset stomach, or feeling like you can’t keep food down are common first signs of pregnancy.  Nearly 85% of all pregnant women suffer some type of nausea or vomiting.  For some women it can be severe and very exhausting. It can happen at any time of the day. The good news is that for most women, the symptoms tend to fade after the first trimester (between 12 and 16 weeks).

The best way to manage nausea and vomiting is to prevent it from starting.

  • Eat small meals every two to three hours. By eating smaller amounts of food and more often, you’re less likely to feel too full or too hungry (both can trigger stomach upset).
  • Drink fluid and eat food separately. That’s right – don’t have your glass of water or milk with your meal. If you eat and drink at the same time, you’ll likely feel too full and uncomfortable.
  • Include protein at your meals and snacks. This helps to regulate your blood sugar. Protein rich food includes meat, fish, poultry, eggs, beans, lentils, nuts and seeds.
  • Eat foods that appeal to you! Don’t force yourself to eat food you don’t like because you’re worried you need the nutrition. This will only lead to more stomach upset –and more food aversions (foods that you can’t stand the smell or taste of).
  • Choose bland foods with less spice, acid and fat.  Spicy, acidic and fatty foods trigger acid to build-up in your stomach leading to stomach upset and heartburn.

If your nausea and vomiting is severe and difficult to manage or you’re losing weight, speak to your doctor

3. Do you feel tired of avoiding food?  Are you wondering when you will enjoy food again?  You are not alone.  Pregnant women often experience little to no appetite especially during the first 3 months.  This is due to all the changes that happen in your body during this time.

It is important to keep in mind that lack of appetite for the first 3 months may have no effect on the development of the baby.  However, lack of appetite can lead you to a cycle: eating less leads to taking in less energy which leads to feeling more tired which can lead to reducing your appetite even more – even though your body is asking you to eat.  So what can you do about it?

  • Try eating foods that are appealing to you
  • Try eating something every 2-3 hours
  • Drink fluids after eating
  • Give yourself enough amount of sleep and rest during the day
  • Ask somebody else to take over meal preparation
  • Order in or go out for your meal
  • Make your meal time more pleasant by eating with other people
  • Try high energy and high protein snacks such as nut butter with bagel, dried fruits with nuts and cereal, or hummus with vegetables and whole grain pita
  • Avoid foods that are reduced-sugar and reduced-fat products
  • Avoid meal replacement drinks because they contain high levels of vitamins and minerals that can cause you to gain too much weight or harm the growing baby
  • Patient education: Avoiding infections in pregnancy

4. Remember to try to stay hydrated, especially if you’re vomiting often. Dehydration can cause you to feel even more nauseous and unwell. Sip on fluid that you like; water, soup, or 100% juice are good choices. The Institute of Medicine recommends 12 cups each day (you get about 20% of your daily water intake from food). Don’t wait until you’re thirsty to drink. Stick with water, juices, and non-caffeinated beverages. If your urine is pale yellow, you’re probably drinking enough.

5.Physical Activity: Regular physical activity improves your health and well-being. It has benefits for all ages and abilities including reducing your risk of developing many chronic diseases, increasing your energy, increasing your self esteem, and improving your sleep.

  • Before you begin an exercise program, make sure you have your health care provider’s OK. Although exercise during pregnancy is generally good for both mother and baby, your doctor might advise you not to exercise if you have any particular disease.
  • For most pregnant women, at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise is recommended on most, if not all, days of the week.Walking is a great exercise for beginners. It provides moderate aerobic conditioning with minimal stress on your joints. Other good choices include swimming, low-impact aerobics and cycling on a stationary bike. Strength training is OK, too, as long as you stick to relatively low weights.
  • Remember to warm up, stretch and cool down. Drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated, and be careful to avoid overheating.
  • Intense exercise increases oxygen and blood flow to the muscles and away from your uterus. In general, you should be able to carry on a conversation while you’re exercising. If you can’t speak normally while you’re working out, you’re probably pushing yourself too hard.
  • Staying motivated: You’re more likely to stick with an exercise plan if it involves activities you enjoy and fits into your daily schedule. Consider these simple tips: Just get moving. Try a daily walk through your neighborhood or walk the perimeter of the grocery store a few times. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Try a class. Many fitness centers and hospitals offer classes, such as prenatal yoga, designed for pregnant women. Choose one that fits your interests and schedule.

6. Finally, during the first trimester it might seem like you sleep all the time. By the third trimester, getting a good night’s sleep is more difficult. Frequent urination, heartburn, discomfort, and even anxiety can keep you awake. Try sleeping on your left side, using pillows behind you and between your legs. Take care of yourself: Get plenty of rest.

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