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Basic information about Data Protection Person in charge: Clínica Gran Alacant SL Purpose: Medical services Legitimization: Execution of the medical services contract Recipients: Financial institutions, insurers, collaborators and the company Clínica Gran Alacant Rights: Access, rectify and delete data, as well as other rights, as explained in the additional information. Additional information: You can consult additional and detailed information on Data Protection on our website:  

Clínica Gran Alacant SL, with CIF: B-53981676, is responsible for the treatment of the personal data of the interested party and informs him that these data will be treated in accordance with the provisions of current legislation on personal data protection, the Regulation ( EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of April 27, 2016, regarding the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, of Protection of Personal Data, so the following treatment information is provided:

  1. Responsible for the treatment: Identity: Clínica Gran Alacant SL Address: Av. Escandinavia 31, 03130 Gran Alacant-Santa Pola (Alicante) Phone: 966 695 374 Email: Delegate of Data Protection: same contact data
  2. Purposes of treatment: Main purpose: the information you provide will be treated in order to adequately provide you with any of the medical services performed at the Clínica Gran Alacant. Time of conservation of the data: The personal data will be conserved during the time established in the regulations on patient autonomy. Once the aforementioned deadlines have elapsed, the data will be deleted in accordance with the provisions of the data protection regulations, which will imply their blocking, being available only at the request of Judges and courts, Ombudsman, Public Prosecutor or the competent Public Administrations during the period of limitation of the actions that could derive and, after this one, it will proceed to its complete elimination.
  3. Legitimation: The legal basis for the treatment of your data by Salvum is the correct execution of the contract for the provision of medical services according to the treatment plan accepted by you. On the other hand, the processing of data for fraud prevention purposes, the development of a “commercial profile” using data derived from the management of products and services contracted with Salvum and the sending of own commercial communications on similar products and services those hired, are based on the legitimate interest of the company for such treatments in accordance with current regulations, being essential for the provision of the service. In no case, the withdrawal of the additional consents to the provision of the medical service that is requested in this document, conditions the execution of said contract.
  4. Recipients: Your data may be communicated to: • The Public Administrations in the cases foreseen by the Law. • The State Security Forces and Corps and the National Intelligence Center in accordance with the provisions of the Law. • Banks and financial entities for the collection of contracted medical services. • The public registers of patrimonial solvency and systems of prevention against fraud, may be communicated the data regarding defaults and incidents in the payment of medical services contracted to Clínica Gran Alacant or to third parties.
  5. Rights: You have the right to access, rectify and delete the data, as well as to consult on the rights of your data, by writing to the registered office of Salvum or at the email address Likewise, you have the right to revoke the consent you now give at any time. Likewise, you can submit a claim to the Control Authority in matters of Data Protection competent in the web

Hi, Clinica Gran Alacant!